IMARYAM refers to Mary from the Bible, also called Miriam and Mariam, but both referring to the Virgin Mary.

My birth name is not Mary. But you can think of IMARYAM as a message I deliver, as I believe Mary would too. Not just the Virgin Mary per se, but the Mary you did not think too much about before: Mary Magdalene.

But why Mary at all?

IMARYAM, because that is the source level from which to understand the world.

The world now, facing a scale of problem, as it has never seen before. Problems far eclipsing those from the times of either Mary. IMARYAM, the message and solutions, how to turn things around.

But why me? You have never heard of me.

But you have heard of Mary, as have most people in the world.

However, the degree Mary has been so well known, also became the degree we didn’t see how much she drives the issues of the world.

Especially because Mary has been misunderstood. Indeed does the misunderstanding begin with the assumption that Mary is about just about the most famous Virgin Mary, mother of Christ.

IMARYAM shares with you here, about another Mary. The lesser known Mary Magdalene.

But why begin with Mary? Why not another well-known figure of history and religion?

MARY speaks to why the world is in a problematic state to begin with - which is that it is imbalanced.

Finding balance, as you might guess, might take a different kind of viewpoint. The viewpoint, that is about balance itself.

However might you not have thought to think about balance, if accustomed to seeing the world through one side alone.

Thus does the message begin by pointing out another side, and point of view. The mere realization of the existence of another point of view, helps us see the world is not actually very balanced, but in fact, quite imbalanced instead.

The place where the realization needs to come first, is America.

America, where the world is most heavily weighted.

Right there, might many object to what I say. A bit of a catch-22, wherein being accustomed to having things weighted a certain direction, makes for a hard time seeing things a new way.

Yet seeing things differently — and to see that other viewpoints exist — is the only way to solve imbalance. And again, is the question of whether one recognizes imbalance in the first place.

While this sounds like an obvious solution (to recognize imbalance), in practice it is extremely difficult. The weight of power, over time, compounds into inertia. Including, to resist having to change or move a new direction.

Inertia and resistance set in further, when seeing that problems of a global scale are complex. As we can imagine, the human brain that avoids things that do not come with instant-reward, quick solutions, nor are immediately obvious in their root source.

However we must begin to tackle problems, somewhere. Or better yet, through someone.

A someone we already know — but also, do not. Seeing her in a new light, might just be the key to shedding light on many other matters too. It begins by seeing there is not just one Mary, but another.

But we did not see her - nor recognize well.

Mary Magdalene whom many have come to associate with a tainted woman, by way of the “oldest profession in the world.” By contrast, the “untainted woman” we have come to associate with the Virgin Mary alone. This is reinforced through the word immaculate, seen in Immaculate Conception.

Ultimately I Mary Am is about addressing problems at their source. For America but mostly the world. It is impossible to do so, without looking at origins first.